Fern Laneway Studio

This laneway studio reinterprets the typical garage vernacular of pitched roof structures into a minimalist modern workshop. Sleek lines are created by the elimination of roof overhangs; the walls meet the roof in crisp lines. Similar to the oversimplified monopoly toy pieces or a child’s drawing of a house, this structure is stripped of all unnecessary ornament.

Garden view of the workshop

To meet the rugged demands of the laneway, the workshop is clad with corrugated metal on its three facades, but switches to a warmer cedar wood siding on the garden side that mimics the rhythmic patterning of the corrugated siding.

Bright and airy, this workshop has views to the client’s lush private garden and lots of light pouring in through the skylights.
The slats of the cedar siding mimics the patterning of the corrugated metal siding on the other facades.